There has been a lot of ‘buzz’ about Wellness within the past few years. (I hope I am using that word right) Physicians, Hospitals, Mental Health Professionals, Gyms, and Spas are using this buzz word to promote all aspects of one’s health. The aspect of healthy living, self-care, fitness, nutrition, and spiritual practices to improve wellness.But what does that mean, truly? And how does one improve or promote a lifestyle of Wellness?  Do you have wellness? Can you buy it? (what the what?!?)  There are many ways of defining what wellness is and what it means.   The key tenets of wellness are both preventative and holistic and can be traced back to ancient civilizations from the East (India, China) to the West (Greece, Rome).  Wellness focus and holistic modalities have gained more acceptance since the 1960s and 1970s under the writings of physicians and other thought leaders of that time evolving and moving into mainstream. 

Wellness is as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle of change and growth in all aspects of life.  You are becoming aware of what you are doing and incorporating it in your life to be Well.  You are essentially engaging in all areas of wellness.   Hence, Wellness is an individual pursuit. Research has shown that engaging in some or all elements of Wellness and practicing them regularly can help one thrive, improve health, and live longer.  Understanding your needs and how to manage them with realistic and attainable goals through a Wellness Plan is key to success.  Below are some tips and suggestions to get you started. (not necessarily in any order of importance, just saying)

Physical Wellness:

Ensuring you get enough physical activity or exercise, eating a healthy and nutritious meal and getting enough restful sleep are key for physical wellness.  It does not have to be joining a Gym or buying a treadmill (I mean, it could) but if that seems out of reach just staying active through exercise such as walking or jogging, riding a bike two to three times per week can contribute to the physical wellness aspect.  Making sure you take the time to buy and make healthy meals a few times a week and ensuring that 7 hours of sleep is your minimum.  Meditate and practice kindness daily. 

Mental Wellness:

To be mentally well means that your executive functioning (yes, your mind) is working with your best interest in the forefront.  Recognizing your abilities and capabilities and finding new ways to expand your knowledge, skills, and resilience through problem-solving.  Practice being mentally well by staying positive and finding the brighter side (color it with your own neon markers if needed). If you do not have one get a sense of humor, that helps for sure.  Another way is to take time to journal your thoughts and feelings daily by self-reflecting and practicing gratitude. Mindfulness Meditation is a great way to stay focused and centered as well.    Talk to someone if needed. 

Emotional Wellness: 

To have the ability to successfully handle life’s stressors and challenges it is important to be aware of, accepting of and be capable of expressing your own feelings.  Taking the time to understand what you are feeling is the difference between growing anxious thoughts and feelings or gaining insight in adapting to difficult events and situations.  A few ways you can practice emotional wellness is to maintain appropriate boundaries with the people in our lives, by setting clear expectations on what you need from them.   Afford yourself unconditional compassion, and kindness and forgive yourself for whatever you think you did or did not do.  Meditate daily. 

Social Wellness:

Establishing and maintaining a sense of connection and belonging with others and contributing to the lives of others and our communities is key to social wellness.   Social networks allow you to build relationships that are supportive, constructive, and healthy.  It allows you to become comfortable in who you are and enables you to create boundaries that encourage trust and communication.  Surround yourself with positive people who have the same common professional and personal goals.  Listen and understand before you speak or respond by practicing active listening (yes, that is a thing).   Stand up for what you believe and join a club or organization where you can find like-minded people like yourself.  Learn to appreciate others for their unique struggles and lifestyle.  Meditate and practice kindness daily to yourself and others. 

Spiritual Wellness:  

This could mean different things for different people. I like to think being Spiritual means expanding our minds to other ideas and concepts while searching for meaning and sense of purpose in our own human existence.   Spirituality is the connection between your soul and your reality.  Take ten minutes a day to sit in quiet space and to self-reflect and self-connect with your true self.  Be present and aware while connecting to your higher consciousness.  Practice gratitude and kindness.  Practice Mindfulness Meditation. 

Let me know if this blog article was beneficial and informative to you and if this is something you want to start incorporating in your life.  Nourish Wellness offers ongoing Therapeutic Mindfulness Events, Groups and Workshops.   Please visit our Event Page on our website for upcoming dates and details. 

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